Whereas the std wheel chart displays its data in and around a wheel, the Standard Text List Chart prints its data as tables of numbers or positions, like on a sheet of paper. Actually, this chart has been designed so that it can be printed on paper like any ordianry word processor document.
This text list, in addition to the latitude and longitude values, also displays the distance to Sun in Astronomical Units (.e.g. 1 UA = Earth <-> Sun distance), and the speeds in latitude, longitude (in deg/day) and distance (in AU/day) for the given body. Optionnaly, the Std Text List Chart also provides a list of midpoints of the first visible ring, and aspects to the objects of the second rings with those midpoints. A list of Risings, Culminating and Settings hours for the active planets and stars is also proposed, and also the time and place of the next/previous global and local eclipses, and a list of aspects configurations e.g. Grand Trine, Yod, T-Square etc...
A list of the sabian degrees corresponding to the current planets is also displayed on demand, with Absides and Arabic Parts