Dates of Primary Directions

This chart will compute all the dates of primary directions, using the first ring as the source of significators. The promissors will be nevertheless limited by the restrictions set from the second ring. The directions will be computed with respect to the Regiomontanius, Placidus or Campanus house systems. You can also choose between the Mundane or Zodical system, and select the directions key, i.e. arc/duration conversion factor: Ptolemy, Naibod, Simmonite, Cardan, Synodic or Placidian (true solar arc). The values can be dumped into the SQL table AspTbl.

The values from the second ring are ignored. This ring is only referenced for its restrictions set. If you are interested in having only the directions Moon-Jupiter, the first ring must unrestrict Jupiter, and the second, the moon. The available aspects are also got from the second ring's restrictions set.